Here we will learn how to earn money in internet

This time we will discuss about online money maker program that lot of people really used this as additional jobs beside their hobby, writing such article over internet. I think it’s good news for you who like wrote a review. Now you can monetize that, of course you need media to write down your review, you can use your blog, wordpress or website (and it must be approved by paid review programs after we have been registered as a member). Usually paid review program need a media (web, blog, wordpress) with high qualifying requirements (SEO), such as minimum page rank or web rank, minimum traffic to our site, minimum popularity link to our site, etc.

In paid review programs, there are two kind of member, publisher or advertiser.


means to people or group of people who have a media for reviewing offered task or we called as reviewer. For each asked task we will paid certain money. Reviewer have to follow the review article’s requirement such as using certain word or anchor link. Usually advertiser want reviewed by website or blog that related to their topics, for example healthy care topic want be reviewed by medical blog or healthy life web.


means to people or group of people who search blogger or website owner (qualified reviewer) to review selected topic for an amount of cash. Question then coming, why advertiser want to pay other people just for review their site or topic? You may think there are no advantages for advertiser, but remember that when our site reviewed by qualified blog, wordpress, or website automatically we got one direct link to our site, promote our site, and raise traffic to our site. As advertiser we can ask reviewer to use certain words or wordphrases and link or anchor link in their articles.

There are so many paid review programs, but generally the are same in how to work. Bellow are some example of paid review programs, Just click to register to:

Remember, you have to prepare your website, blog, or wordpress when you want to register as publisher. For adverstiser, you can make the requirement for reviewer so you can reach maximum result. And of course both of them must have online banking account to safe your money after get paid or paying reviewer for finished jobs. You can use Paypal.

Regiter paypal here, or click the banner bellow.

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.


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